Donate Now

You can support the WCTF by making a one-time donation, or by becoming a Member of the Friends of the WCTF.

You can become a Member of the Friends of the WCTF, by signing up to become a monthly supporter of our life-saving mission.

Join today at one of the following levels:

Bronze: Recurring Contribution level at $20 a month, or a one time donation of $240.

Silver: Recurring Contribution level at $50 a month, or a one time donation of $600.

Gold: Recurring Contribution level at $100 a month, or a one time donation of $1,200.

Platinum: Recurring Contribution level at $500 a month, or a one time donation of $6,000.

Contributions to WCTF are tax-deductible. You may donate by mailing your contribution to WCTF at

World Children’s Transplant Fund

17404 Ventura Boulevard, 2nd Floor
Encino, CA 91316

If you would like to make a contribution online, you may do so quickly and easily through PayPal’s secure payment gateway

Major credit cards are accepted, and you are not required to create a PayPal account to complete the process. You will be redirected to after the transaction.

To specify a particular project for your donation, please indicate so during the payment process.

Become an organ donor

“Each organ and tissue donor saves or improves the lives of as many as 50 people. Giving the ‘Gift of Life’ may lighten the grief of the donor’s own family. Many donor families say that knowing other lives have been saved helps them cope with their tragic loss.”


WCTF supports the goals of the following organizations: